It’s the end of your copier lease, now what? What are some considerations when you are on the end of a lease for your copier? How should you feel about leasing a copier in general? There is no one answer to these questions. It depends on many factors. Hopefully, this blog post will provide some insight into what can happen at an end-of-lease time and how it impacts business owners like yourself!
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What should you do after the end of your copier lease?
First, you should be prepared to make a decision. What do you need your copier for? How much can it print each month? Is this enough capacity or too much capacity for the business demand at present time and in future years?
Let’s say your end-of-lease time has come upon a copier that you’re leasing from an equipment vendor like us here at the Copier Guys. You’ve been making monthly payments for three years when all of a sudden one day you get a call saying it’s end-of-lease time and they’ll buy out your old machines or offer to recommend replacement options in case you want to upgrade. What should you do? Should you go with another lease or maybe consider buying this piece of equipment outright? Well, let me tell ya! It depends…
Leasing is great because it gives businesses flexibility over their purchases by spreading out costs into equal payment plans over time. Sometimes, however, it’s not the best choice because you end up paying more for a new copier than what your old one is even worth on the market and end up without any money left in reserve to fix or upgrade equipment if something goes wrong.
If you end up deciding that leasing isn’t right for you then there are other options such as buying used or new from an authorized dealer like us here at Copier Guys. Buying refurbished can save businesses quite a bit of cash compared to brand-new models while still getting the top quality products backed by warranties and service agreements with reputable companies like ours! We also offer to finance so no matter how good (or bad) your credit maybe we’ve got you covered.
What should you learn from leasing a copier?
Leasing your office equipment can be a great solution for many business owners, but there are also some downsides. You end up paying more over the term of the lease than if you had purchased it outright by making monthly payments instead of one large payment at the end-of-lease time. There’s no escaping that reality! But what is even worse about leases is how they can blindside companies towards end-of-lease time and make them forget all their good intentions to buy out the machine or trade it in early on something else, like an upgraded model. It happens way too often as unsuspecting businesses get distracted with other issues during end-of-lease negotiations and just don’t end up doing what they initially intended.
Leasing is an option that many businesses end up using when they purchase office equipment like printers and copy machines. It’s really important to know how leases work before signing on the dotted line! You don’t want any nasty surprises after end-of-lease time comes around. This doesn’t just apply to renting copiers; we’re talking about all kinds of leases here such as car leases, office leases, and any other type of rental agreement.
What are the possible choices after the lease of your copier?
Do nothing – If there are no problems with the equipment then simply leave it be. You have already made an initial investment so why spend more money if not necessary.
Rent another unit- Rental rates vary widely but many companies will offer good deals for those looking to rent again immediately (especially if they were happy customers).
Buy out – Let’s say you find yourself still in need of what this machine brings and want to keep it. Well, you have the option to buy out your old machine for a lump sum payment that will end up being much less than what leasing would cost over time.
Buy new – Now this brings us back to the beginning of our article where we stated you could always buy another copier, but is now maybe not such a bad idea? If your company needs something more than just basic copying services then consider investing in an upgrade or completely different model. There are multiple options out there so don’t feel boxed in thinking you have no other choice but to do nothing at all with equipment once it has reached its end date on the contract. The decision is yours alone depending on your business requirements!
Should you continue to lease or buy a new copier?
There are multiple options out there so don’t feel boxed in thinking you have no other choice but to do nothing at all with equipment once it has reached its end date on the contract. The decision is yours alone depending on your business requirements!