As far as photocopy and copy are concerned, these two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. This is commonly observed, especially to those not aware of the difference between these two terms.
Photocopy and copy results or products use machines to perform their task. Hence, as early as now, you need to learn what these two terms are and how they differ from one another.
What is Photocopy?
The photocopy is primarily the result of scanning pieces of paper on a printer or copy machine. It is also referred to as a printed material that follows a particular process wherein an image is formed through light actions, commonly on electrically charged surfaces.
However, a copy can also mean the same thing if strongly suggested by the context. But, it can also mean something different. For instance, you can copy files on your computer’s desktop, but they are not referred to as photocopies even though you can print them.
This term is much easier to define when compared to copy. In the word photocopy, there is the word copy in its definition, which is identical or similar.
What is a Copy?
Copy is considered a hard word you need to pin down, especially to those beginners who have just heard of this term. Its Latin word “Copia,” where its English term is derived, means great quantity, abundance, and lots of.
The standard-issue that you might experience when you encounter the term copy highlights the actual definition of the term. Well, such a term might mean several prints or reproductions. There are also instances that it can be defined as documents originating through reproduction or printing. It can also be considered as an original copy of the paper.
Is Copying and Photocopying Similar?
There are times that photocopy is something that some are not considering their options for their materials. Instead, they would choose to print their materials and spend more time and money just to acquire presentable and clear results. Copying documents is considered to be a simple process compared to scanning. Most photocopiers require the users to press a specific button to begin the photocopying process.
In photocopying, mainly digital copying, fast turnaround can be observed in smaller and large quantities. However, copy shops now offer more machines to cater to people’s necessary copying needs. This is essential since it saves the time of the customers waiting. Apart from that, you need not have so many preparations since copiers are always precise and ready for their next copy job. This is why a copy is ideal for those documents in lower quantities than more significant quantities.
Comparing photocopy and copy terms can still be a bit confusing to everyone. This is why you need to be equipped with the proper knowledge of the difference between these two. With that, you can already choose what kind of machine you will use in photocopying or copying the necessary documents you need in your company, office, or business.
If you are in Sacramento and you are looking for a Copier in Sacramento for your business, you may contact Clear Choice Technical Services in Sacramento. You can ask about Copier Leasing Services in Sacramento, Copier rental services in Sacramento, and Copier Repair in Sacramento.
In our company, we always respond to your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Call us today and enjoy the products and services we offer.